What Made Me Smile This Week (March 18 – 24): Surfing the YouTube Train

Not all weeks can be as fun or exciting as last week, so unsurprisingly, things slowed down a bit. I will say however that I’ve been poking at an interesting new skill set lately. I am The Lone Ponder after all, so knowledge is the elixir that makes my existence worth living. This is very much a “normal week” in case you were wondering. But who knows, even normal weeks are sometimes worth reading about. Enjoy!

Monday, March 18, 2019

  • In a continuing theme, I woke up to Birdsong this morning. Normally I’d be annoyed, but I’m smiling now because it’s another marker of spring!
  • I arrived at work 15 minutes early today, despite ongoing sidewalk construction issues. I love it when I succeeded managing time well!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

  • I spent a fair portion of today reacquainting myself with the process of nonlinear video editing. Kdenlive is a huge step up from when I used Windows movie maker back in 2009. The process strangely makes me smile.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

  • My work with Kdenlive paid off! I uploaded my very first Youtube video tonight! This smile marks a first-time experience! I hope it bears fruit.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

  • My bureaucratic nightmare surrounding getting a new wheelchair is still evolving. The next place I need to submit a prescription form to only accepts fax or hand delivery. The problem is that they are in Rancho Cucamonga, which is easily a two hour trip each way for me. Keep in mind that this is just to drop off paperwork. Sadly I don’t have a fax machine either. It turns out that my friend/supervisor does. When she heard about my predicament, she offered to allow me to use her fax machine. Not only that, she drove me home during her lunch break to get said paperwork, and then faxed it to them the very same day! I cannot express how unbelievably grateful I am for this. It has saved me weeks worth of work, left me humbled, and put a smile on my face that will likely last at least until Monday

Friday, March 22, 2019

  • We watched “What We Did on Our Holiday” this evening. It is an utterly adorable movie that caused me to double over laughing several times. My family are a bunch of hardened movie veterans, but the fact that there wasn’t that much argument about giving this film Netflix’s five out of five rating should give you some clue as to how good it was. Of course, anything with David Tennant, Rosamund Pike, and Billy Connolly is bound to be good. In a way, I guess there were no surprises there.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

  • Yes! For the second day running I got on the treadmill! I definitely wasn’t smiling at the time, but I am now. Sort of. Maybe. Hey look, its exhausting, okay! Give a guy some credit…aha, there’s the smile! #goals

Sunday, March 24, 2019

  • Here we go again! This is my third day on a treadmill streak! I’m exhausted again, but not quite as much as yesterday. Being slightly less exhausted is actually making me smile.

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